Out of Town Patients

Visitor Information and Virtual Consultation

If you are out of town we offer a Complementary Consultation to discuss your issues and determine your next steps. You can fill out this form and we will contact you to set up the call. Dr. McCain will call you at the number you provide and discuss your issues, your concerns and answer your questions about the possible procedures and the details surrounding it. Together you will then decide if the In-Person Consultation is the next step.

Please be advised that no photos, images or videos will be required before or during the your virtual consultation. A physical exam is required prior to any procedure or surgery. Our goal is to hold to the very highest standards of ethics and integrity in performing services for our patients and we will do all we can do to ensure your privacy and comfort leading up to, during and after any procedure.

Travel Information for Out of Town Patients

We provide the following information to assist you in your stay in Abilene and we will help you in any way we can once we begin the process of booking your procedure/surgery.

Contact information: