Bioidentical Testosterone Pellets

Bioidentical testosterone pellets deliver the same molecule that your body makes directly into the blood stream, bypassing being processed through the liver.  The pellets are inserted through a small incision in the flank or upper part of the hip using local anesthesia.  In most patients, testosterone pellets last 6 months, eliminating the need for weekly or bi-weekly injections and office visits, offering a more convenient way to receive testosterone therapy.  Pellet therapy results in more consistent, long-term testosterone levels, eliminating the "roller coaster" effect some patients experience with testosterone injections.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Several studies show only NATURAL testosterone to be protective and preventative of many disease states. Men with low testosterone are 3 times as likely to get Alzheimer’s dementia. In a recent study, men over 55 with higher levels of testosterone showed a significant reduction in coronary artery disease and heart attacks; testosterone builds bone by 8.3% per year, preventing osteoporosis. Low testosterone increases cortisol levels and insulin levels, both of which increase belly fat and increase your risk for diabetes. Natural testosterone can ONLY be absorbed subcutaneously; therefore, a pellet placed under the skin is required.

  • What is “normal” for the average population may not be optimal for you. The optimal testosterone level in males is 900-1250, a “normal” lab reference can range from 200-1100 for men. Men are typically symptomatic under 400 but that’s in the ”normal range.”

  • Hormone pellets offer a natural hormone balance method that keeps your levels in the optimal range 24/7. Methods that put your hormones on a roller coaster by taking something every day, like shots and creams, don’t offer the benefit of balanced hormones 24 hours a day. The release of the hormones is regulated by your cardiac output. As your heart pumps faster, like when you are working out, blood flow increases over the pellet and increases the release of hormone required by your increase in activity. While you are sleeping, when your cardiac output is lowered, less hormone is released.

  • A comprehensive lab panel will be performed and the hormone pellet is customized to your individual hormone levels. A complete thyroid panel is drawn, as well as vitamin D3 levels. If these are abnormal they will also be supplemented because there is a synergy between all of these with testosterone, achieving optimal levels of all of these will allow you to gain the most benefits and give you the best results.

  • Testosterone injections are typically given bi-weekly or weekly, usually by a subcutaneous technique.  They can be given     in the office, or we can teach you how to self-inject at home.  The injections are usually testosterone cypionate which is a     synthetic hormone that has to be processed through the liver.  Testosterone pellets once placed last 6 months, not requiring frequent injections or visits to the office. They are also bio-identical, meaning the same molecule that your body makes and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and do not require processing through the liver.

  • Hormone pellets last longer in men than women, lasting around 6 months depending on your activity level.

  • A minor surgical procedure is performed where the skin is numbed on the fatty part of your flank or buttock, a small incision is made and a hollow trocar instrument is then used to tunnel under the skin and insert the pellets in the fatty subcutaneous layer. The incision is then closed with a sterile dressing. Most patients experience minimal discomfort.

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